Newcomer's Orientation: Sunday Apr 28@ 10:30am - ride @ 11am

We have chosen to move our Newcomers Ride and Orientation to Sunday, April 28 @ 11am.

We invite you to arrive at 10:30 for a coffee and a bike check over/social.  We meet in the upper parking lot at Firemen's Park
Come prepared to meet new people and to ride.  This might be a mixed small group or split depending on the levels of riders present.

Do I need to come to the Newcomers Ride before riding with the Club?  NO.  You do not.  This ride is just to make you feel welcome
Can I just show up to any ride? YES.  The Ride Leaders will ask names and will orientate you to the ride that day.
What ride should I join?   Please familiarize yourself with our classifications of Ride.  Join at a level you feel comfortable.  We do recommend that you do not start at A unless you are an experienced rider.  You are welcome to ride with multiple groups.  Even on the same day!  I do! 
What can I expect on a Ride?  Please familiarize yourself with our Standards* This is how you can expect we will ride.  
What do I bring:  Very important.  You must have a road worthy bicycle suitable for the speed of your ride and in good working order.  You should be physically in good enough condition to join your ride at that pace.   At a minimum we are going a distance of 40k to start the season at all levels.   You must bring water and a helmet.     No helmet, no ride.   We also do not allow "tri" bars like you might see on a triathalon bike.
Will you always email when there are changes?   NO.  Please ensure you check our calendar frequently (on the website).  You may also join our Remind service where you can receive automated daily emails or texts about the rides the next day.  Our policy for cancelling rides is to decide a minimum of one hour before the ride start time.   We really like to ride and cancel only when the weather is hazardous.  Admittedly, we do not like to get wet.

Standards were emailed to all Newcomers

Pop-Up Ride Saturday April 6th, 1-3pm, Firemen's, "C" Ride

Warm up with a pre-season "C" Ride from Firemen's at 1:00 pm. Ride will be approximately 2 hours at a 25-27 kph pace. Just layer up and rejoin your friends emerging from their pain caves and winter hibernation.

APLVNCC Annual General Meeting; Sunday Apr 7 2pm

This event is for 2023 Members and 2024 NEW Members.  As a non-profit organization, the Amici per la Vita Niagara Cycling Club is required to hold an Annual General Meeting each year.  Your Membership expires at our AGM unless you renew prior.

Your participations is requested.  We will review Financials and our plans for the Year and will hear from our committee members.  We will also elect the Board of Directors.   This year, we have 2 Members up for election as an addition to our Board:  Carolyn van der Sluis and Paul Jurbala.

Your vote and presence matters.  We require quorum of 20 Members.  Prior to attending please read Minutes below.

If you cannot attend but wish to vote, please contact Bev Wright for a Proxy Form.

When:  Sunday, April 7
Time:  2pm
Where:  Firemen's Park Sm Meeting Room (2275 Dorchester Rd, NF)

Please contact Bev Wright for ZOOM LINK if you wish to join and vote virtually.

Minutes 2023:

Welcome, Call to Order & Quorum

The meeting was called to order by chair, Marcus Klein at 2:pm with one member joining via Zoom. It was determined through member count attending that the meeting quorum had been met:  22 attending.  Marcus Klein welcomed all those attending.

Moved by:  Bill Reimer and seconded by Gord Singleton to accept quorum. 

Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes previous AGM (April 2, 2022)

Minutes of prior meeting were circulated prior to meeting.

Moved by:  Les Potapczyk and seconded by Rick Hesp to accept Minutes.

Motion carried.


Treasurer’s report:   

Bruce Tulloch submitted a General Fund Financial Statement as of January 1, 2021, showing Revenues of $9,587.00, with Debits of $8,487.22 in the calendar year.  $500 remains in the contingency fund. The bank ending balance was $8,965.68 at year end.  Bruce covered significant expenses and revenue and presented the 2022 budget.  

Budget Revenues: Largest Revenue projected in the budget is through registration fees.  Budget was based on 110 Members paying $50 Member fees and this would provide revenue of $5,500.

Budget Expenses: Operating expenses include insurance and fees associated with website and bank accounts.   Planned for 2023 is a year-end banquet, costs partially offset by Member payments.  First Aid training and supplies are also budgeted.

Final Balance: With this budget, projected final balance to account would be $3,825.68 with a net loss of -$5,150.00

Discussion:  Bike Rack (Not included in budget expenses); Cost of banquet; Website development cost – upgrade or replace?

Moved by:  Bill Reimer, seconded by Les Potapczyk to accept Treasurer’s reports.

Motion carried.   


Club membership lapses at the Annual General Meeting and Members are required to re-register.  As a non-profit organization, the Club is required to hold an annual meeting.

Bev Wright reported that Club membership for 2022 was 114. The Club had 8 honorary Members.  Membership fees for 2023 were proposed at $50. Recruitment for 2023 season indicated 50 Memberships were in process after Walk-in Registrations.

Moved by:  Paul Jurbala, seconded by Rick Hesp to accept Registrar’s report and Membership fee.

Motion carried.

Committee Updates:

Scott May, Paul Jurbala reported on behalf of Skills & Safety Committee (includes Gord Singleton) plans for Ride Leaders’ Training and Fix a Flat clinics.

Carolyn van der Sluis reported on behalf of the Ride Leaders Committee (includes Lucy Defazio).  An ambitious schedule is planned, and Carolyn appealed for Ride Leaders with offers to help and a highlight of responsibilities and benefits.   Members that lead 50 rides earn a specialized jersey.

Election of Board:

Marcus Klein, as meeting chair, proposed that the current Board Members, David D’Addio, Bruce Tulloch, Bev Wright, Scott May and Marcus Klein, be re-elected.  The proposed slate of Directors was approved by a unanimous show of hands by Members present.

Moved by:  Les Potapczyk and seconded by Genevieve Paul Jurbala to accept vote.

Motion carried.

Open Discussion:

Allyson Grady asked questions about the need to fundraise given the budget shortfall and plans to expand the APLVNCC presence in the park. Rick Hesp shared plans to install a bike rack, funded partially by kit donated by Members and then subsequently sold. Bruce Tulloch explained that the NCCA had dissolved.  NCCA had been responsible for the Canada 150 ride and much of our advocacy work.


Motion to adjourn @ 3:12 by Bill Reimer, seconded by Gord Singleton

Motion carried. 

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