Sunday Funday - Group Riding Options Aug. 30

For Group Riding this weekend, Saturday is looking like RAIN.    JOIN US instead:

UDPATE - changed to the Canal Path to support our Amica Nancy Potapczyck who is swimming out of the rowing centre near Welland - 10K!   ride by and cheer her on!

When:  Sunday, August 30

Where:  along the Canal Path.   St. Catharines to Welland.   

How:  drop a line and we will organize groups out of Firemen's Park, or, if you prefer your own solo ride, or small group, just ride that road on Sunday

Everyone try and sport their new kit and we will light up that road with Friendship!

Need a group to join?  Contact Bev @ or 905-933-3672

Protocols for Trial Rides/APLV Niagara Cycling Club

Protocols for Trial Rides/APLV Niagara Cycling Club                                                                               August 17, 2020.

1.  Participants are required to sign our revised Club waiver form prior to attending a trial ride.

2.  Do not attend a trial ride if you are exhibiting any Covid-19 symptoms or you have been in contact with anyone who is a confirmed or presumptive case of Covid-19 during the previous 14 days.

3.  Register your intention to participate in advance of each trial ride event by email to:

4.  Maintain a safe physical distance from one another before, during and after each trial ride event, if you unable to do so, then we ask that you wear a protective mask.

5.  You are asked to carry a protective mask and repair supplies with you at each trial ride event, hand sanitizer and protective gloves are also recommended.
5.  Group sizes will be limited to (8) or fewer participants/group with a spacing of at least (1) bike length kept between riders, no drafting or pacelines.

6.  Participants are to refrain from spitting or clearing your airways when other riders are near or behind you, also refrain from sharing food or water.

7.  We are suggesting that individuals take responsibility for their actions prior, during and following a trial ride, there will be no “Ride Leaders” assigned, volunteers may come forward to help “self-organize” into groups and determine routes. Volunteers will not be responsible for enforcing protocols and group behaviour.  

Protocols for Trial Rides/APLV Niagara Cycling Club

Protocols for Trial Rides/APLV Niagara Cycling Club                                                                               August 17, 2020.

1.  Participants are required to sign our revised Club waiver form prior to attending a trial ride.

2.  Do not attend a trial ride if you are exhibiting any Covid-19 symptoms or you have been in contact with anyone who is a confirmed or presumptive case of Covid-19 during the previous 14 days.

3.  Register your intention to participate in advance of each trial ride event by email to:

4.  Maintain a safe physical distance from one another before, during and after each trial ride event, if you unable to do so, then we ask that you wear a protective mask.

5.  You are asked to carry a protective mask and repair supplies with you at each trial ride event, hand sanitizer and protective gloves are also recommended.
5.  Group sizes will be limited to (8) or fewer participants/group with a spacing of at least (1) bike length kept between riders, no drafting or pacelines.

6.  Participants are to refrain from spitting or clearing your airways when other riders are near or behind you, also refrain from sharing food or water.

7.  We are suggesting that individuals take responsibility for their actions prior, during and following a trial ride, there will be no “Ride Leaders” assigned, volunteers may come forward to help “self-organize” into groups and determine routes. Volunteers will not be responsible for enforcing protocols and group behaviour.  

COVID-19 Return to Riding Update

If only I could draft again…. Survey says..

Thanks Amici, for participating in our recent survey.   We love to see you on Strava or through Facebook postings, riding solo or in small groups.  This helps keep the spirit of Amici alive even as COVID-19 tries to keep us apart.

Results of the survey are below.   Based on this, at a meeting Aug. 12, your Board decided that:

  • We would not return to regular riding for the reminder of the season
  • We will continue the challenges (remember, points for participation!)
  • We will trial some small group rides organized by your Amici leaders

Our first trial rides will be this Saturday, Aug. 22 and again on Sunday, Aug. 23.   You will need to Pre-Register and to sign a new waiver (attached).   Rides will begin at 8am and will be structured in small groups according to the interest level.   There will be COVID protocols requested of you.   You cannot just show up for these rides, please.   Be familiar with the COVID-19 symptoms (see list below survey) and do not attend if displaying any symptoms, or if you have recently been traveling.

If you are interested in riding or helping organize, email Marcus Klein @, or call 905-687-0159

Newly added wording on waiver:

I am aware infections or communicable disease contracted through viruses, COVID-19, bacteria, parasites and fungi which may be transmitted through direct or indirect contact or the negligence of other persons is also a risk. I FULLY UNDERSTAND that the ‘’RELEASEES” NAMED BELOW ARE NOT LIABLE TO SAFEGUARD OR PROTECT ME FROM THE RISKS, DANGERS AND HAZARDS presented by infections or communicable diseases; and I FULLY ACCEPT AND ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS AND ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOSSES, COSTS AND DAMAGES I incur as a result of my participation or that of the minor in the Activity.



72 participants: 28 - AB, 14- C and 30 Rec

  • 15% will not participate until this is over (11)
  • 40% will ride with small groups they know and trust (29)
  • 20% will participate with small groups of any member who signs a waiver (15)
  • 23% feel safe at any level of riding (17)
  • 25% of respondents said they expect the club not to have any protocols but for those that wanted protocols, 54% say we need to follow recommended guidelines and only 25% expect to sign a new waiver.  15% expect us to exceed recommendations.  AB riders seem more risk tolerant.

Ride structure:

  • 26% said they would not draft; 18% said they worried if they could not get help repairing their bikes;  16% said they would be OK with no ride leaders.  57% said they would participate whether we stopped for a break or not, they got left behind or chose to leave the ride, they did not have assistance with the bike repair etc.
  • Comments:   Continue virtual rides to support those that don’t feel comfortable group riding.  Make sure we are in Phase 3.

Symptoms associated with COVID-19 including, but not limited to:

  • Fever and/or chills
  • Cough
  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • Muscle aches
  • Sore throat or difficulty swallowing
  • Runny, stuffy or congested nose (not related to season allergies or other known causes)
  • Lost sense of taste or smell
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Any other symptoms as identified by health experts (


If you are displaying any symptoms related to COVID-19 you should NOT be participating in any activities.

Use the Ontario Government’s Self-Assessment Tool: to see if you should consult your appropriate medical professional or Telehealth Ontario. Telehealth Ontario: 1-866-797-0000

Ontario Government COVID-19website:

The Last Days of Summer Challenge

Let's try to ride (25) times in the 50 days available from August 3rd to September 21st, the "last day of summer"!

The minimum distance/ride is 25 km.

A/2000 km. distance challenge for the period.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          B/1500 km. distance challenge for the period.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              C/1200 km. distance challenge for the period.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Rec & Social/1000 km. distance challenge for the period.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

You will receive a participation point for every ride that you complete up to the (25) rides included in the challenge.

You will receive a bonus challenge point for meeting the challenge distance at the level of your choosing.

You will receive a challenge point for completing all (25) rides.

Please reply to me only at the end of the challenge period with the total number of rides completed and the total distance you traveled.

Have some fun with it! Take advantage of these last days of summer weather to achieve some new cycling goals and remember before you know it that other season, that I won't  even mention, will be with us! 




Reporting your Challenge Totals!

Thanks to everyone who have been participating in our "challenges" during our current pandemic challenged cycling season. It's certainly been a different way to continue to remain connected as a Club as we follow one another on Strava and through our social media posts and pictures. Let's keep it going! It's been inspiring to see everyone's enthusiasm  and commitment to keeping their wheels turning despite the difficult circumstances we've experienced these past few months. 

If everyone participating in this past month's challenge could please total your number of rides and distance traveled during the  "Covid-19 challenge" and report it to me before the end of the day today it would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you and keep up the good work!

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