Let's try to ride (25) times in the 50 days available from August 3rd to September 21st, the "last day of summer"!
The minimum distance/ride is 25 km.
A/2000 km. distance challenge for the period. B/1500 km. distance challenge for the period. C/1200 km. distance challenge for the period. Rec & Social/1000 km. distance challenge for the period.
You will receive a participation point for every ride that you complete up to the (25) rides included in the challenge.
You will receive a bonus challenge point for meeting the challenge distance at the level of your choosing.
You will receive a challenge point for completing all (25) rides.
Please reply to me only at the end of the challenge period with the total number of rides completed and the total distance you traveled.
Have some fun with it! Take advantage of these last days of summer weather to achieve some new cycling goals and remember before you know it that other season, that I won't even mention, will be with us!
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