Support the APLVNCC as we ride en-masse, in the Ride of Silence. This is a Global Event held every year on the third Wednesday of May where groups of cyclists ride a slow procession-style ride of 10K, in silence, honouring those injured or killed while on the road on their bicycles.
APLVNCC is a sponsor of this event so we need to see you all out. You are part of the Niagara area community, the Club and our Roads. Let's show the Community we CARE.
What is the Cost of Silence? The WHO Global Status Report On Road Safety 2015: Road traffic accidents caused more than 1.25 million deaths and more than 20-50 million injuries each year; Road traffic deaths among cyclists are 50,000.
This is close to home happening on streets we ride, and to people we know.
See you Wednesday
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