Please RSVP if you would like to get a spot in our Cycling First Aid Training. The Club partially subsidizes your training which we organize in special partnership with Heart Niagara.
Help us all respond more safely! Spots are limited and friends and family are welcome. Priority may need to be given to Ride Leaders if we fill up the class.
Cycle Emergency First Aid $60 + hst: Your Cost $20
When: Saturday, April 13, 9-3pm. Arrive @8:45am
Where: 4635B Queen St. Niagara Falls
§ Includes: Adult CPR, Child CPR, infant CPR, 2-rescuer CPR, conscious and unconscious choking (including infants), and hands-on practice for using an AED.
Information and skills development on responding to bleeding wounds, shock, broken bones, poisoning, diabetes, medical conditions, heat/cold injuries and more
§ CPR Certification: Valid for 1 year.
RSVP to club secretary Bev Wright