SATUDAY JUNE 25 RIDE - RSVP please a message from Jason
Hi Everyone, I'm excited to lead tomorrow's Saturday Amici A Ride. The following is just a guideline on the feel of the ride - for those who don't know me or how I ride, it will still be super fun, casual and pain free in the draft :-) We will probably even stop for a few seconds to get photos. You will only hear from me if you are riding unsafely, otherwise ride however you like.
B-RIDERS WELCOMED (may end up with two groups):
Anyone who wants to test their legs and build their strength are most welcomed, HOWEVER, even though we love you, if you fall behind please prepare to follow the route or have your own way back.
No one will be told to slow down, break aways are encouraged. Breakaways will always regroup by stopping or turning around to pickup. Anyone who falls off the back may try to regroup but stopping will only be for a few minutes when needed.
Planning to have a 10-15min stop at Fort Erie Tim's, other stops as need. Aiming to be back at Fireman's as close to noon as possible.
Depending on turnout but generally double pace line will be used sparingly and only when road surface is smooth enough. Anticipate single mostly and expect to be overtaken. Person on front when done will flick left elbow and move as close to the right side of the road as possible while the line will accelerate around, last person will yell out last to give the rider time to catch the end.
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