Leaderboard Updates

If you like statistics, a whole bunch of new stats were added to the Leaderboard page (members only) this week to analyze.

Update includes:

  • As you scroll down the Leaderboard, the table headings follow you so that the statistics line up with the heading.
  • Leaders by Ride Distance table - Added "Average Distance" and "Shortest Ride"
  • Leaders by Ride Attendance table - Added "Typical Ride Attended" and "Classification Attendance"
  • Classification Stats table - Added "Average Distance", "Riders that typically Ride", and "Percent of Rides"
  • Added Ride Leaders table

Congratulations Chuck!

Congratulations to Chuck for just passing the 10,000 km mark on club rides today. This took less then 2 seasons to accomplish since we first started logging ride attendance on July 5, 2014

New Website Theme

Well, it's been a year and a half since the website launched under the aplvncc.ca domain and I thought it could use a facelift. A lot of new photos from club rides were added to the website instead of stock images. 

New features include:

  • Showcase on the Frontpage upcoming events and ride routes, Sponsors carousel, Membership Costs, Recent Tweets from our Twitter Account, Meet Location Map, and videos.
  • New Blog layout
  • Added Club Executives page
  • Updated Links page
  • "Submit a Photo or Video" page added to the Members Area (need to be logged in for access to page)
  • "Manage Content" page added to the Member Area  (need to be logged in for access to page). This page gives Team Leaders access to submit Ride Attendance Reports, Route Submissions, etc.
  • The black administrative menu that appeared at the top of the screen for some users when logged in (depending on your role) is now hidden by default. You can toggle showing/hiding it by hitting the Tilda (') on your keyboard.
  • Ability for some roles to Add Events to the website. The Events aren't added to the Calendar (since the calendar is managed through Google Calendars) but they are showcased throughout the website.

Volunteers needed for Niagara Falls Marathon

The Niagara Falls Marathon is looking for volunteer cyclists again from our club for this year's event on Sunday, October 25, 2015. Please select the category you would like to lead and only select it if you are 100% certain you are able to do so.

  • Full @ 10am (1 for lead male & 1 for lead female when it reaches Mather's Arch)
  • 10km @ 9am (2)
  • 5km @ 9:45am (2)
  • Half Marathon Wheelchair @ 9:55am (1-2)
  • Half Marathon Run/Walk @ 10am (1 for lead male & 1 for lead female)

E-mail aplvniagaracc@gmail.com if you are interested!

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