There has been reports over the last year of a time discrepancy regarding the times for scheduled "Group Rides" on the Calendar and it appearing different for some Club Members.
From what I can re-create, the issue occurs when you're viewing the Calendar and you click a scheduled "Group Ride" to see the Event's details. This typically occurs on a mobile device due to the fact that you only see an asterisk (*) and you need to click it to see the Event's details. This opens the Event in a Google Calendar page and takes you away from the website. For some "anonymous" users that weren't logged into our APLVNCC website, this was defaulting their "Timezone" to GMT (no daylight savings) which shows after the Event's start and end time. In short, I added "America/Toronto" to the link that opens up that should default to the correct Eastern Standard Time (EST) of the "Group Ride".
While you shouldn't have to second guess the time of an Event or Group Ride on our Calendar, you can always verify it by going to "Member Login" page and double-checking the time in the "Upcoming Rides" section in the right-column. You can also visit the Event Listing page for all the events/rides on our Calendar.
If you're still encountering the Calendar Bug, please provide me with the following details so that I can re-create the issue you're experiencing:
You can send me this information through our Contact page by choosing "Website Feedback or Problem" for the Inquiry type OR on Facebook to the following post. Thanks and I hope this is resolved!
Gordon Singleton April 26, 2016 11:46 am
admin April 27, 2016 1:07 am