OK, let's see if we can countdown from nineteen to zero and complete (19) rides within the (35) day period!
Minimum distance/ride is 19 km.
A/1500 km distance challenge for the (35) day period.
B/1200 km distance challenge for the (35) day period.
C/1000 km distance challenge for the (35) day period.
Rec&Social/700 km distance challenge for the (35) day period.
You'll receive a challenge point for completing all (19) rides!
You'll receive a bonus challenge point for meeting the challenge distance at the level of your choosing.
You'll receive a participation point for every ride you complete during the period.
Please reply weekly with the number of rides completed and keep your own record of the distance you traveled and report it to me on Sunday August 2nd. mklein3@cogeco.ca
Good luck!
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