

Tuesday C ride 70km

A beautiful C pace (25-27kph) ride starting from Firemen's to Whirlpool then off to NOTL to Lakeshore then along the canal up the 2 locks at Thorold and then off to Allenburg bridge and then back to Firemen's. Wind (WSW) might be in our face along the Lakeshore but we will each just take small leads and do it at our pace. A stop at the Tim Horton's (ugh I said it) in Thorold is planned. 

Saturday, May 13 "C" Ride

May 11, ‘23 - C Ride

May 06, 2023 - C Group

Target coffee stop: Balzac's NOTL

Get there via Parkway, meandering the Lines & Concessions to NOTL.

Bacl along Lakeshore, Canal Path, Glendale, Taylor Rd & Mountain

Season Opening B Ride: Saturday May 6, 2023

Aug 27 - C Group

Typical route to Allanburg Bridge & north on the canal pathway, Lakeshore Rd into NOTL

Coffee stop at Balzac's

Return along Parkway with a few meanderings. Back along Whirlpool, Stanley, etc, etc.

Thursday August 11 B Ride

Tues Jun 14 6pm B ride

counterclockwise down Queenston, up Taylor

NE wind

Lucy's Tuesday, June 14 @8am: Start @ Harold Block

Note;  Map does not reflect the correct start location  

quick copy!


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