Ride With GPS

Ride With GPS

AUG 27 - c Birthday Ride

Following the B group route (only shorter) to P0rt Colburne. High gusty winds & high probability of rain! Who wants to spoil my birthdy ride? :-)



Aug 20 C ride to Fort Erie & beyond

Winds from the SE/S/SW


Down the Parkway to Fort Erie, SOuth along the lake & then to Stevensville for coffee stop.

Netherby, Montrose & very familar roads back home. 

Here's to hoping the winds dont shift again!!

Aug 06 - C ride to Stevensville via Fort Erie

Whirpool Rd, Niagara Parkway to Fort Erie & westwsville for coffee stopard (maybe drop in & say HI to George) & on to Stevensville for coffee stop.

Montrose & Garner back to the fort>

BRING YOUR RAIN GEAR - the weatherman is not promising nice weather :-(

Aug 1 - C Group ride to NOTL

Roundabout way to NOTL Coffee stop.

west along Mountain to Taylorto Allanburg Bridge.Down the canal pathway to Lakeshore & into NOTL.

short 20 km ride up the Niagara River Parkway to home base

July 23 C+ to Port Dalhousie

West/NW winds

Whirlpool road, down Parkway & thru old NOTL, along Lakeshore to Prt Dalhousie

coffee at Balzac's

Backtrack a bit along Lakeshore. south on Canal Parkway to Carlton, Stewart Rd & up Taylor to Mountain.

Additional loop  back into Lines & Concessions & up 4 Mile Creek Rd for the ambitious ones

July 16 C+ ride

Clockwise along the parkway thru NF to the Townline & on to Stevensville.

Coffee stop at Timmies

West along Netherby & then meander thru the normal roads back to home base - hopefully with the wind at our backs - for a home run

July 9 B Ride

Same route as C Ride, B pace

July 9 - C+ to Port Dalhousie (Balzac's)

Same old roads to Port Dalhousie via NOTL. Winds are forecasted to shift all day so we may have it behind us all the way (we can always hope!!)

Retuen via Port Robinsn Ferry,

A fewhills - sorry :-(


June 25, 2019 - C group

Coffe stop in Port Colborne: How to get there ==>

Garner, Moyer, Miller, etc,etc.....fill in the blanks

Killaly, #3, Black Creek, Niagara Parkway  & back via Whirlpool.


1) shorten by 10 KM - Wilhelm, Montrose, Brown, Garner, Mountain

2) lengthen by 10+?? KM - continue on to Fort Erie & follow Parkway all the way back.

June 18, 2019 - C - Port Dalhousie

Whirlpool down to Parway. Mwander thru Lines & Concessions to Lakeshore Rd to Port Dalhousie.

Coffee stop at Balzac's.

Home via Third ST, Pelham Rd., Effingha,. Holland Rd, Allanburg Bridge, Chippawa Creek Rd, Biggar Rd & back to Parkway & home.

A refreshing 104 Km. a 20 KM shorter option available


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