C Group

C Group

Thursday C ride

Through Pelham to Jordan for coffee and Firemans via Port Dahlousie and Canal Bank road

Aug 21, 2018 - C Ride`

a variation on a familiar route: Mountain, Taylor, Moyer, Schissler, Netherby, Parkway & back.

Stop could be either halfway in Stensville, or 75% in Chippawa with a quick sprint back. 

Here's hoping the weatherman is wrong!!

Tuesday Aug 14th C ride

Start in parking lot on east side of Welland Canal near the ferry crossing. Ride through Fonthill, Ridgeville to Smithville for our break at 46kms and then back to ferry 

C ride 11/08

This route is fairly short by C standards, but involves some good climbing. Pace will be between C and R most likely, depending on participants. We will be stopping to regroup at the major hills, and I will give some tips on climbing and decending along the way. Stop at Timmy's in Chippewa. Come and join the fun!

Aug 07, 2018 - C Ride

Winds are forecast from the west so will try to keep them at our back for the return trip.

East on Mountain, Stanley, Portage to Queenston Hill. Left onto York to 2nd Concession. North to E&W Line, Lakeshore, thru Port& onto N. Service RD. South on Jordan Rd & meander into Jordan Station to de la Terre Bakery.

Head south on 19th St & east Eigth Ave/Pelham Rd & right onto First Street Louth/Decew Rd/Beaverdams Rd, sqiggle thru Thorold to Welland Canal Parkway. Across Gelndale to Taylor, Mountain Rd & back to Firements' Park.

July 17 2018 C Group

Shorterroute due to heat & wind conditions:

West on Muntain, south on Kalar, west on Beaverdams, north on Taylor, Glendale, York, Concession 7, Carlton St, Stewart Rd, Lakshore, E&W Line, Creek Rd, Lakeshore into NOTL.

Coffee stop at Balzac's

Return via Parkway, Concession 1, Concession 2, York Rd, Queenston Heights, Portage, Stanley & Mountain.

July 10, 2018 C Group

Coffee stop in Jordan via Mountain, Taylor, Gendale, .....Beaverdams, Decew, First St Louth, Pelham, Nineth St, King St to Main St Jordan.

After enjoying a favorite break at de la terre Bakery we will head back via Fourth Ave, Jordan Rd, North Service Rd to Port Dalhousie, Lakeshore, East & West Line & south on the Parkway to Portage, Stanley & Mountain.

Probably 3.5 hr cycling,

Hopefully winds remain true & we will have a bit of wind at our back on the return..............bill

July 03, 2018 C-Group

East to Parkway via Wirlpool Rd, down Queenston Hill & west on York. Veer right onto Queenston Rd, short ride on Hwy 55 to Stewart Rd, Lakeshore, Lakeport Rd to Port Dalhouse with stop at Balzac's (roughly half way).

West on Main/Lakeshore to Third, south around Shorthills to Roland Rd/Holland Rd, along Seburn Rd, Merritville Hwy to Beaverdams Rd, through Thorold Tunnel & onto Taylor Rd & Mountain Rd.

June 26, 2018 - C Group

East to Prkway via Whirlpool Rd (can add an additional 5 Km going north of reservoir) & south on Parkway to Netherby Rd. South on Stevensville Rd to Timmies.

Continue south & west on Main St, south on Ott & west on Church. North on Point Albino Rd & west on Netherby. North on Montrose Rd & west on Chippiwa Creek. North on Heartland Forest Rd & west on Brown Rd. North on Garner to Mountain Rd.

June 19, 2018 - C Ride

East to the Parkway via Whirlpool Rd. North on Parkway to East & West Line. West along E&W/Lakeshore/Lakeport to Balzac's in Port Dalhousie.

West on Main & south on 3rd St to St Paul West, Vansickle Rd, Mac Turnbull Dr, Pelham Rd & Glendale to Taylor Rd, Mountain Rd & return to Firemen's Park.

Should be back by 11.

Weather looks good, rain should be gone & everything dried up, wind out of the NE 18-20 kph. 


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