C Group

C Group

Aug 20 C ride to Fort Erie & beyond

Winds from the SE/S/SW


Down the Parkway to Fort Erie, SOuth along the lake & then to Stevensville for coffee stop.

Netherby, Montrose & very familar roads back home. 

Here's to hoping the winds dont shift again!!

Thursday Aug 15 "C" Ride to Stevensville

There's always room for change.

Would like to be back for noon.

Tuesday, Aug 13 " C" ride of Niagara

easy ride today

Strava map not 100% accurate

Sat. Aug 10, " C" ride to Jordan

Thursday, Aug 8 " C" ride to Port Colborne

Route may vary with conditions.

route can be extended if riders wish to do so.

Thursday Aug 8th "C" ride to Port Colborne

Route may change.

Not sure which weatherman to believe.


Aug 06 - C ride to Stevensville via Fort Erie

Whirpool Rd, Niagara Parkway to Fort Erie & westwsville for coffee stopard (maybe drop in & say HI to George) & on to Stevensville for coffee stop.

Montrose & Garner back to the fort>

BRING YOUR RAIN GEAR - the weatherman is not promising nice weather :-(

C ride Saturday Aug 3rd

Ride the scenic roads of Pelham, Grimsby etc to the Punch Bowl for one of their popular and delicious butter tarts! The break is at approximately 57kms.

Aug 1 - C Group ride to NOTL

Roundabout way to NOTL Coffee stop.

west along Mountain to Taylorto Allanburg Bridge.Down the canal pathway to Lakeshore & into NOTL.

short 20 km ride up the Niagara River Parkway to home base

Coffee in Port Colborne

same as last week

Quick to Port, have a coffee

then back before the heat.

Stopping before tunnel to discuss best option of going thru

Cross jack Knife bridge on pedestrian walkway

3 hour ride time.


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