A Group

A Group

Saturday's Canada Day A, B & C Rides: June 29, 2019. @ 7:00 am Firemen's

Proposed common route for A, B & C rides to commemorate 152 years of Canada's confederation! Note the earlier start time of 7:00 am for these rides.

Solstice A & C Rides/161 km/Saturday June 22, 2019 @ 7:00 am Gale Centre

A century ride of 100 miles, same course for both A & C groups.

Revised Saturday A Route: June 8, 2019. @ 8:00 am!

A Stevensville loop through the country returning to Firemen's around noon! You can do it, let's share the load!

Saturday Morning A Ride: June 8, 2019 @ 8:00am

A loop to Stevensville with a Tim's stop there and a return to Firemen's by around noon!

Saturday "A" Ride - Jordan Lions Park

Pedal the Pennisula (77.7km) - Starting from Jordan Lions Park (parking at the western end by school). Traveling to Beamsville to Smithville (comfort stop) to Campden to North Pelham (cafe stop - Natures Corner Bakery & Cafe in Ridgeville). Then return to Jordan.

Saturday Morning A Ride: May 11, 2019.

Sat Sept 29/18 A Ride

Thurs. Sept. 20 AB route

One more time, let's get those Strava's and ride the new pavement along Lakeshore!

Sept 15 8:30 am A ride

In case someone wants to ride some hills (and I hope I've got the roads right)...


Marcus' Saturday A Ride: September 1, 2018.


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