Comments (2)


Beverley Wright October 17, 2017 1:48 pm

Unanimously approved by Regional Council today to continue to provide the funding required to support Bridge-it Ferry for the next 10 years! Excellent presentations to the 28-member council by Niagara Cycling Tourism Centre's Sue Morin & NCCA represented by FreeWheelers and St. Catharines Cycling Club. We had 40 members of the cycling community in the audience, including Gregg Derrick, Carolyn van der Sluis, Carol Farrar, Marcus Klein and myself.

Peggy Potapczyk October 17, 2017 1:58 pm

Thanks to all who attended for speaking up for all of us who couldn't attend, like myself. Your efforts have been rewarded with 10 more years of service. Thank you !
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Comment by Beverley Wright
Tuesday, October 17, 2017 - 1:48pm
Unanimously approved by Regional Council today to continue to provide the funding required to support Bridge-it Ferry for the next 10 years! Excellent presentations to the 28-member council by Niagara Cycling Tourism Centre's Sue Morin & NCCA represented by FreeWheelers and St. Catharines Cycling Club. We had 40 members of the cycling community in the audience, including Gregg Derrick, Carolyn van der Sluis, Carol Farrar, Marcus Klein and myself.
Comment by Peggy Potapczyk
Tuesday, October 17, 2017 - 1:58pm
Thanks to all who attended for speaking up for all of us who couldn't attend, like myself. Your efforts have been rewarded with 10 more years of service. Thank you !
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